The industries in which y strainers are best used are those in need of continuous protection against debris. The most popular use for y strainers is in steam applications. Owing to its design, the Y-Type strainer has no difficulties handling the high pressure applied to steam.
Y strainers are also used for liquid applications. Sand and gravel are two very common forms of debris that pose a significant challenge to liquid applications. When combined with applications for water handling, y strainers are used to secure devices that may otherwise be affected or clogged by different unwanted particles.
Y-Strainer is considered as the standard for steam systems and is commonly used for these systems, but it can be used for other fluids also. Its lightweight, cylindrical shape is very effective and can withstand high pressures. Y-Strainers that withstand pressures up to 6000 psi are widely used. And in these situations, the design of the strainer is important so that it can handle these high pressures without failing. The temperature is another element to be noticed under such high pressure. Standard carbon steel is not ideal for steam pressures of 1500 psi or higher, since the steam temperature is 1000°F or higher. In such instances, the Y-Strainer body is typically made of chrome-moly alloy.
Y-Strainers are also used in applications including air and natural gas in addition to steam. Again, high pressures are normal. However, high air pressure does not always mean high temperatures, and ordinary carbon steel bodies with adequate wall thickness can be used.